Local multi-chain setup

For testing, you might want to interact with local nodes and relayers to test IBC interactions. To do so, we allow users to leverage @cosmology-tech/Starship. Starship allows developers to spin up a fully simulated mini-cosmos ecosystem. It sets up Cosmos SDK Nodes as well as relayers between them allowing you to focus on your application and less on the testing environment. Read more on how to setup Starship and make it work with cw-orchestrator.

Setup Starship

You can find helpers to setup starship in the cw-orch repo. Here are the commands to launch in order to have starship up and running:

  • Install Starship and the chain+relayer cluster (do this once, this make take a little time)

    make setup
  • Start Starship. This will create all chains and relayers based on the example configuration file.

    make install

Starship will most likely crash after at most 1 day of usage. Don’t forget to execute make stop, wait for everything to be stopped and make install from time to time to restart the whole chain cluster.

In case you run into issues when using and interacting with Starship, you might need to run the port-forward.sh script, after a successful make install.

Create the Connector in Rust Code

When the starship instance is up and running, the starship adapter that cw-orchestrator provides will detect the deployment and create the right variables and structures for you to interact and test with.

use cw_orch_interchain::interchain::{Starship, ChannelCreator};

fn main(){
let starship = Starship::new(None)?;
let interchain = starship.interchain_env();

let local_juno = interchain.chain("juno-1")?;
let local_osmo = interchain.chain("osmosis-1")?;

NOTE: The argument of the Starship::new function is the optional URL of the starship deployment. It defaults to http://localhost:8081, but you can customize it if it doesn’t match your setup. All the starship data, daemons and relayer setup is loaded from that URL.


Once the two steps above have been completed, you can use starship as every other interchain environment. Refer to the interchain Daemon page to understand how it works under the hood.