
This tutorial will guide you through creating a cw-orch interface for your contracts. By the end of this tutorial you should be able to:

  • Write deployment scripts for your contract.
  • Write integration tests for your contract.
  • Write executables for interacting with your contract.

In order to ensure that the code snippets shown here are correct we’ll be using the counter contract provided in the cw-orch Github repository as the source for our code-snippets. You can find the contract here.


  • Contract Entry Point Messages: In order to use cw-orchestrator you need access to the entry point message types (InstantiateMsg,ExecuteMsg,…) of the contracts you want to interact with. Having them locally will enable you to generate helper functions for interacting with the contracts.

  • A gRPC endpoint (optional): If you want to perform on-chain transaction you will need access to the gRPC endpoint of a node. These are most-often available on port 9090. We provide chain definitions and constants for some of the more widely used Cosmos Chains. Learn more about this on the Daemon page.

  • A desire to learn (mandatory): This tutorial will cover the basics of using cw-orchestrator but it won’t cover everything. If you want to learn more about the features of cw-orchestrator you can check out the API Documentation.


Before being able to interact easily with your contracts, you need to add a few dependencies and files to your contract. Check out our dedicated setup tutorial for preparing the work !


The following sections detail setting up a contract, tests for the contract, and scripts for interacting with the contract on a blockchain network.