Daemon Interchain Environment

This environment allows to interact with actual Cosmos-SDK Nodes. Let’s see how that work in details:

Environment creation

For scripting

When scripting with cw-orch-interchain, developers don’t have to create chain Daemon objects on their own. You can simply pass chain data to the interchain constructor, and it will create the daemons for you. Like so:

use cw_orch::prelude::*;
use cw_orch_interchain::prelude::*;
use cw_orch::prelude::networks::{LOCAL_JUNO, LOCAL_OSMO};
fn main(){
    let mut interchain = DaemonInterchainEnv::new(vec![
        (LOCAL_JUNO, None),
        (LOCAL_OSMO, None)
    ], &ChannelCreationValidator)?;

NOTE: Here the ChannelCreationValidator struct is a helper that will simply wait for channel creation when it’s called in the script. More information on that channel creation later.

You can then access individual Daemon objects like so:

use cw_orch::prelude::*;
use cw_orch_interchain::prelude::*;
fn main(){
    let local_juno = interchain.get_chain("testing")?;
    let local_osmo = interchain.get_chain("localosmosis")?;

where the argument of the get_chain method is the chain id of the chain you are interacting with. Note that this environment can’t work with chains that have the same chain_id.

You can also add daemons manually to the interchain object:

let local_migaloo = DaemonBuilder::default(LOCAL_MIGALOO).build()?;
When working with multiple `Daemon` object that share the same state file, you need to make sure that the `Daemon` object use the same underlying `DaemonState` object, otherwise you might get conflicts at runtime. Here's how you do it:
let local_migaloo = Daemon::builder()
let local_juno = Daemon::builder()

For testing

In some cases (we highly recommend it), you might want to interact with local nodes and relayers to test IBC interactions. To do so, we allow users to leverage @cosmology-tech/Starship. Starship allows developers to spin up a fully simulated mini-cosmos ecosystem. It sets up Cosmos SDK Nodes as well as relayers between them allowing you to focus on your application and less on the testing environment.

For setup, please refer to the setup Starship section of this page or checkout the official Quick Start. When all that is done, the starship adapter that we provide will detect the deployment and create the right cw-orchestrator variables and structures for you to interact and test with.

use cw_orch_interchain::interchain::{Starship, ChannelCreator};

fn main(){
    let starship = Starship::new(None)?;
    let interchain = starship.interchain_env();

    let local_juno = interchain.chain("juno-1")?;
    let local_osmo = interchain.chain("osmosis-1")?;

NOTE: The argument of the Starship::new function is the optional URL of the starship deployment. It defaults to http://localhost:8081, but you can customize it if it doesn’t match your setup. All the starship data, daemons and relayer setup is loaded from that URL.

Setup Starship

You can find helpers to setup starship in the cw-orch repo. Here are the command to launch in order to have starship up and running:

  • Install Starship and the chain+relayer cluster (do this once, this make take a little time)

    make setup
  • Start Starship. This will create all chains and relayers based on the example configuration file.

    make install

Starship will most likely crash after at most 1 day of usage. Don’t forget to make stop and make install once everything is stopped from time to time to restart the whole chain cluster.

General Usage

All interchain environments are centered around the await_single_packet function. In the Daemon case (be it for testing or for scripting), this function is responsible for tracking the relayer interactions associated with the packet lifetime. The lifetime steps of this function are:

  1. On the source chain, identify the packet and the destination chain. If the destination chain id is not registered in the interchain environment, it will error. Please make sure all the chains your are trying to inspect are included in the environment.
  2. Then, it follows the timeline of a packet. A packet can either timeout or be transmitted successfully. The function concurrently does the following steps. If one step returns successfully, the other step will be aborted (as a packet can only have one outcome). a. Successful cycle:
    1. On the destination chain, it looks for the receive transaction of that packet. The function logs the transaction hash as well as the acknowledgement when the receive transaction is found.
    2. On the source chain, it looks for the acknowledgement transaction of that packet. The function logs when the acknowledgement is received and returns with the transactions involved in the packet broadcast, as well as information about the acknowledgement. b. Timeout cycle:
    3. On the source chain, it looks for the timeout transaction for that packet. The function logs the transaction hash of the transaction and returns the transaction response corresponding to that transaction.

If you have followed the usage closely, you see that this function doesn’t error when the acknowledgement is an error, has a wrong format or if the packet timeouts. However, the function might error if either of the timeout/successful cycle takes too long. You can customize the wait time in the cw-orchestrator environment variables.

The await_packets function is very similar except that instead of following a single packet, it follows all packets that are being sent within a transaction. This works in a very similar manner and will also not error as long as either a timeout or a successful cycle can be identified before cw-orchestrator query function timeouts. This function is recursive as it will also look for packets inside the receive/ack/timeout transactions and also follow their IBC cycle. You can think of this function as going down the rabbit-hole of IBC execution and only returning when all IBC interactions are complete.

Finally the await_and_check_packets function allows to follow all packet execution and assert that the acknowledgements received for each correspond to a successful execution. Because there is no standard for signaling a successful IBC transaction, you might need to customize your ack assertion logic if you are using un-common acknowledgment formats. Supported acks are the following:

Analysis Usage

The await_single_packet and await_packets function were coded for scripting usage in mind. They allow to await and repeatedly query Cosmos SDK Nodes until the cycle is complete. However, it is also possible to inspect past transactions using those tools. Using the DaemonInterchainEnv::await_packets_for_txhash function, one can inspect the history of packets linked to a transaction from a transaction hash only. This enables all kinds of analysis usage, here are some:

  • Relayer activity
  • Analysis of past transactions for fund recovery
  • Whale account analysis

IBC Channel creation

cw-orchestrator doesn’t provide1 relayer capabilities. We only provide tools to analyze IBC activity based on packet relaying mechanism that only relayers can provide. However, when testing your implementation with Starship, you might want to automatically create channels on your test setup.

This is what the second argument of the DaemonInterchainEnv::new function is used for. You provide an object which will be responsible for creating an IBC channel between two ports. We provide 2 such structures, you can obviously create your own if your needs differ:

  1. cw_orch_interchain::interchain::ChannelCreationValidator This is used when you want to have full control over the channel creation. When interchain.create_channel is called, the script will stop and prompt you to create a channel with external tools. Once the channel creation process is done on your side, you simply have to input the connection-id on which you created the channel to be able to resume execution. This solution is not ideal at all but allows you to script on actual nodes without having to separate your scripts into multiple parts or change the syntax you coded for your tests.

    To create the interchain environment with this ChannelCreator, use the Validator syntax above.

  2. cw_orch_interchain::interchain::Starship

    This is used when testing your application with Starship. When interchain.create_channel is called, the script will simply send a command to the starship cluster to create an IBC channel between the chains that you specified. Obviously, the relayer has to be specified in the starship configuration for this function to return successfully. With this function, you don’t have to worry about anything once your starship cluster is setup properly. The connection-id is returned automatically by the starship library and used throughout after that.

    To create the interchain environment with this ChannelCreator, use the Starship syntax above.


as of writing this documentation 06/25/2023. We have a branch open here, that may be merged into cw-orch. If you want to relay packets or create channel using cw-orch we recommend using ths branch.